Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baked Corn Chips

My kids now prefer these over store bought tortilla chips.  They are more filling and very crisp!  However - watch them closely while they bake because they go from pleasantly crisp to unpleasantly crunchy within a couple of minutes.

5 or 6   6 inch corn tortillas
cooking spray
sea salt

Cover a cookie sheet with foil and spray it with cooking spray.  Cut the tortillas into wedges (we usually do 6 - 8 wedges per tortilla).  Place the wedges on the foil and spray with cooking spray.  Sprinkle lightly with sea salt.  (Regular salt works too, we just like the flavor of the sea salt).  Bake at 375 for about 10 - 15 minutes.  You want them to just be starting to turn brown on the edges.  We usually plan on 2 tortillas worth of chips per person.

For a sweet treat, use whole wheat tortillas and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.  These would be awesome with the caramel dip!

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